PAFTE FREE WEBINAR SERIES THEME: “The Teacher as A Professional Teacher” Cluster 2.1

The Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators (PAFTE) Inc. Free Webinar Series, Cluster 2.1, will be held via Microsoft Live on July 13, 2024, and July 20, 2024.

The focus of the Cluster 2.1 is discussion on expectations from teachers as professionals in the post pandemic. This first series of the second cluster focuses on various topics to enhance understanding on how teachers will demonstrate excellence as facilitators of learning, class advisers, and in-service teachers.

This aims to discuss how teaching excellence creates high and positive impact on the lives of learners. Moreover, it presents sharing and discussions on how teachers will create significant and meaningful learning by integrating values in the subject matter and by establishing classroom routines.

The first series of the second cluster of PAFTE Free Webinar Series covers the following topics:

1. Teacher Excellence in the Post-Pandemic Era

2. Class Advisers as First-Aid Counselors

3. Guidelines on the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment in the Department of Education

4. Teaching the Most Essential Learning Competencies

5. Creating Safe Spaces for Learners

6. Writing High Impact Learning Plans (Public and Private)

7. Establishing Routines that Work 8. Integrating Values with Subject Matter



At the end of each session, participants are expected to:
1. Demonstrate understanding on the evolving role of teacher excellence in a post-pandemic world
2. Explain class advisers’ responsibilities as first-aid counselors
3. Articulate the DepEd guidelines on recruitment, selection and appointment of teacher applicants
4. Explore appropriate and effective strategies and approaches in teaching most essential learning competencies toward mastery of foundational knowledge and skills.
5. Determine effective ways and techniques in creating safe spaces for learners
6. Elucidate the key components of high impact learning plan with clear goals and measurable objectives with aligned relevant instructional strategies
7. Determine various ways in establishing effective classroom routines in the new normal
8. Present effective strategies and techniques in integrating values across disciplines
Register here for FREE: with 10 CPD Units Webinar