To guarantee the correct application of the MATATAG Curriculum, the Department of Education (DepEd) will keep providing instructional leaders with training.

Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte stated during a speech on Friday at the National Summit of MATATAG Curriculum Pilot implementers at the Philippine International Convention Center in Pasay City that the trainings that will be led by the central office will be implemented in the regions in the upcoming weeks.

The curriculum will be implemented gradually beginning in the school year 2024–2025.

“The MATATAG curriculum, when implemented well with very good teachers in the field, could greatly support our learning recovery efforts and help improve student learning outcomes,” Duterte stated. “We need to implement the curriculum well.”

She expressed gratitude to the 35 schools in seven regions that served as curriculum pilots.

“We gain necessary insights and get practical insights on the challenges of implementation and the probable solution to address that with your pioneering efforts and participation,” the speaker stated.

Duterte stated that she might visit “35 schools since there are 365 days in a year” in order to gather the opinions and experiences of the instructors at the pilot schools.

As of right now, the aforementioned curriculum is being used in five schools throughout each of the seven areas, with around 385 and 8,294 teachers and students participating, respectively.

Schools in Metro Manila, Central Visayas, Caraga, Ilocos, Cagayan Valley, Soccsksargen, and Cordillera Administrative Region are among them.

In order to produce job-ready, active, and responsible citizens, MATATAG stands for “Make the curriculum relevant; Take steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education services and provision facilities; Take good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusiveness learning, and positive learning environment; and, Give support for teachers to teach better.”

