All female employees in the nation will be permitted to take a “menstruation leave” if and when Rep. Ma. Alana Samantha Talino-Santos’ proposal from the Cotabato 3rd district will be enacted.

A bill entitled “An Act granting menstruation leave of two (2) days per month with fifty (50) percent daily remuneration to all female employees in the private and public sectors” was written and submitted by Santos.

As the bill’s name suggests, it would grant women employees two days of paid menstrual leave each month. Daily compensation is the amount of money that entitled employees will get each day, regardless of their absence.


Santos claims that nations like Japan, Zambia, Taiwan, South Korea, and Indonesia have long granted female workers this privilege.

Although some businesses in the Philippines do permit menstruation leaves, the lady solon claimed that these are still counted as part of the employees’ sick days.

Santos added that if HB No. 6728 is passed into law, employees cannot be dismissed, demoted, or subjected to discrimination because they took menstrual leave.


Employers who disregard the directive will be subject to a P50,000 fine and/or a six-month prison sentence. The Committee on Labor and Employment is now considering the Santos bill.

